Sunday 18 May 2008

Sunday 18th May

Keith and I are getting on with the kitchen today. He is building frames to box in pipes and I am painting and constructing units. Every little helps I guess.
I made a tough call yesterday. I told my parents I didn't want them o come say goodbye to me at Heathrow Airport. I well up when I even think about the event and its going to be really tough leaving Edinburgh and the family here. I am hoping that I will have regained some composure by the time we get to London and I think it would be just awful having to go through it twice. It sounds selfish and I feel bad about asking this of them but I just think I would be such a state.
I am going to see them for a few days in June to say goodbye, to them and my grandparents, so I will see them again before I go.
I am doing the right thing by going - but that doesn't stop it being very hard.
Right, off to construct some drawers, need to get this flipping kitchen finished!

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