Thursday, 25 December 2008

Our First Christmas in Sydney

Well, this is weird. Its 20C outside and overcast. We both woke up at just after six, our usual time, and decided to see if Santa had been. He hadn't - he must never have got our change of address card. Boo.

Breakfast was the usual smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, this year with sourdough toast and a banana, mango and raspberry smoothie. Yum.

Present opening didn't take all that long - Keith got me the Banksy book, a box of Lush goodies and some magnetic office poetry. Our main pressie to each other had been a camping gear extravaganza - and that wasn't really wrappable.

We weren't sure what to do next so we took a run down to Bradley's Head to have a look at the harbour. It was absolutely deserted. After a short period of observation we managed to see the Manly Ferry - but that was about it. Would have been a great day to attempt a swim across the harbour - if it hadn't been so cold, or full of sharks.
We head back up the road to check out the Christmas TV. You know, re runs of A Christmas Carol, Wizard of Oz, Snow filled Disney movies and the like - and what do we have - nothing, zip, nada. Not a single piece of Christmas programming apart from midnight mass from Gdansk or some such place - I mean what the heck? Thankfully we recorded plenty of films to last us plus we got some new DVDs to watch from Keith's mum and my friend Martin. Otherwise it would have been a but grim. Never mind I am sure a bit later we will get the 1994 Vicar of Dibley Christmas special.
More later.......

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