well, here is one half of the finished kitchen. In the middle of taking these my camera properly broke - it was on its last legs anyway, so now I have no camera - which is fairly annoying. I mean it was just over a year old, is technology designed to break now? Usual story with repairs, more than it would be to get a new one, blah, blah, blah. Will have to wait till I get to Oz now. Which is a total pain.
Anyway. Kitchen looks good I think. Much more storage. More of a cooks kitchen than a "heat a tin of soup" kitchen. Brighter and cleaner too.
Going to get the study and the bedrooms sorted out today, then off to yoga and then a party at my friends Lisa's house tonight. So a busy day.
Less than one month till we leave now.
I had to laugh yesterday. Someone at work thought I had made up that I was going to Oz and it was an elaborate ploy to cover the fact that I was actually going into the big brother house! How much of an egomaniac do they think I am! Madness.
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