Up early this morning, didn't need to be but my brain obviously felt the need to get me up at 7:30 whether I wanted to or not. I sometimes think my brain has a will of its own, completely seperate from the instructions I attempt to impart to - It is either an unruly toddler or a rebelling teenager - no answers on a postcard as to which. After a leisurely breakfast I decided to go shopping to Phoenix Mills (big mall in old weaving mill) - mostly to get some mixers (for booze kindly left by by parentals) but also just for a mooch. Ended up sharing a taxi up there with Leigh and Adrian about 11am. No purchases where made in Hidedesign today (although warm greetings for repeat customers were resounding) but did get a pair of shorts in Cotton World Corp and quite a nice top, oddly, both in cotton. Headed round to Big Bazaar - the supermarket com department store, think FineFair in about 1977 and you will have it spot on - only to find the shutters down. "odd" I thought to myself...and walked around to the front entrance only to be met with a lot of people obviously picketing
BB and about the same number of policemen (interesting I thought all they did was stand in traffic junctions which had serviceable lights and sat outside the Parliament drinking tea, just shows you) in and out of paddy waggons clearly hoping a riot would not break out and that they would not have to move out of the shade. I asked what was going on and was informed "its closed" - well, doh, "is it opening again?" , no, they thought, "What was the strike about?", "Yes, strike" - excellent english from the high ranking officers. Bummer, got a few cans of tonic in the 99 rupee store and then left in a huff. I mean its a 30 min taxi drive costing at least a pound to get to that place....they better be striking for a good cause.
Anyway, left in disgust and went back to Nariman. For some reason my inability to buy some Schweppes ginger ale had left me in an uncommonly bad mood and as I headed back to the hotel I decided I would go out and buy some jewelry - yup, only thing to cheer me up would be something expensive. Got as far as the Hidedesign shop in the hotel mall (well they may have something different in that one...) then got a call from my underwear Guru at Boudoir London - they were having an event in the The Hilton and did I want to pop down? Well, it would be rude not too. Off I trotted to the large room, stuffed with designer Sari's and Salwar Kameez's (like posh outdoor jammies) and had a nosey round. The Boudoir London girls were there flogging there racy (to racy for the Indians?) undies and swimwear. The whole place was packed with Mumbiker Yummy Mummies and ladies that say they lunch but are too skinny ever to have smelt food, never mind ate it. They look at me like trailer trash - little do they know that I amBrittany Spears in disguise and me and KFed actually live in The Hilton, ha ha ha. Hmm,
anyway, all I buy is a Breast Cancer T-Shirt as the rest is a bit, well, uber bling (as is want of Indian clothes) and on my way out I am directed by the security around to my left and into a little Nirvanna. Free head massages, foot massages (yes please, one of each), cosmetic samples and little yummy nibbles of food (bread, dips, cakes) await me. I mean, this is way better than some spangly sari's. I chat to a couple of lovely exchange students, one French and one Swiss, get some freebies and then head up for a few hours by the pool. This is what Sundays are all about. Free beauty treatments, free food, sunbathing and a new pair of shorts. Big Bazaar - you did me a favour.
1 comment:
i say you should " bling" yourself to the max hun!! lol
Keith is winging his way to you.....he's all excited too! :D Like a manic 3 year old....no hang on that was Owen! lol
hope you both have a great time and get out of the hotel room once in awhile ;)
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