Yesterday we had our first try out with the car share scheme. Its called Go-get and basically you pay a monthly fee and then a per hour charge and you have access to either a Yaris, a wagon (estate car) or Ute. We took out Ross the Yaris yesterday and headed North up the Pittwater Road. Our target was the beaches but on the way there we took advantage of the wheels and stopped at Manly Vale to stock up on fishing stuff for Keith and a tonne of alcohol for the house. We got to the beach about noon and set up camp with towel, magazines and sun screen. Keith was in for a swim but I chickened out - again. After a while we got bored just sitting and we toddled off to explore the rock pools - which also proved a great opportunity to test the waterproof feature. Unfortunately I think the combination of sea and sun shin
ing of the pools blasted my shins and they are now decidedly pink. Ouch.
Feeling our tummies by now we headed onto Newport Beach and Keith got a lamb sandwich and i got a iced mocha, which was mediocre to the max. We sat on the beach and munched and then had a stroll along it. The ind was getting up though so we decided to head back.
On the way home we stopped at BBQs Galore and picked up a quickstart chimney which helps get the BBQ going and some Mesquite chips, just for flavour. We also popped into Bunnings and got some planters, a lemon tree and a Passionfruit vine.
By this point it was time to scoot back, drop off all the stuff, humph it all up to the flat and then get the car back to its spot before we ran out of time (had to be back for 6pm). Since we were in Cremorne we decided to try out the Oaks pub - which looks like a Witherspoons but we had heard was nice. We headed in through a sort of lounge bar (alright) and followed the sign for Beer Bar and Garden. Wow. Its was lovely. A huge outdoor area was centred around a beautiful old Oak tree bedecked with lights. Tables sat around and under it and then around the edges is a pizza area, two bars and a DIY BBQ pit. It was quite busy but still very pleasant - we will be back.
Keith then got a call from his mate Jo saying they were down at the Opera below bar (at the Opera House) and did we want to head down. So we hopped on a bus and had a few drinks with Jo, Claire (his girlfriend) and Alex (nice Italian chap the boys work with). We didn't stay out too late as we were pooped and we got the ferry back to Mosman after a very full day!