Well its 5:23 am and I have been up for about half an hour tidying the lounge. Don't you love jet lag...The flight back to Edinburgh was good, pretty much on time - still had
plenty of
opportunity for additional spending in the duty free anyway!
Bloody cold when I landed at
Heathrow, but then I guess that was my own fault for wearing sandals in February. Keith at least met me at the airport with my big red coat. He had also got my red roses and champagne but to be honest I was much to tired to appreciate it.
Yesterday we went to the hairdressers at Ocean terminal. Well, I say we but I actually mean

Keith - and for those that know him, that is a big deal. It turned out really well though and then straight after we nipped into the cinema to see "Hot Fuzz" the new one from the guys who did "Sean of the Dead". It was pretty funny, in a very silly way. Later on we went out to dinner at Fishers in the City. As ever gorgeous food. I had the seafood platter, and what a monster, smoked salmon, fresh salmon,
mussels, anchovies, oyster,
mackerel etc etc. Keith had Black Bream with peach and lime which was also fab. God, its good to be back in the UK and get really good food and a decent bottle of wine. Anyone who runs down British cooking should spend some time in India and then head back to Scotland for a feast.
Think I may head back to bed for a bit now.
Keith is up ,
apparently he could hear me typing....sometimes its good maybe to not hear everything that goes on!